Module Part II Assignment


    The question of how we educate all children is a bit general. There are multiple ways to educate people no matter their race, culture, gender, social class, or financial situation. One of the many ways would be by affecting and implementing this information in places with the most people. This is similar to a computer virus in the way the main goal of hackers is to affect as many people as possible, those who have windows operating system devices get targeted the most as they are the largest population of devices used by consumers. And so, by implanting this information gradually, society can start to be educated and manipulated from a young age without ever realizing it. But this is not exactly easy as it must appeal to human nature. Humans are naturally curious and questioning creatures, and because of this, morals and ethics issues are consistently in question. Although the world is constantly changing, teachings from parents to their children are based on previous experiences. Because of this, the process of education may take an entire generation before it fully takes effect.

    The school benefits those who are willing to adapt to the system and take full advantage of it. For example, if an I.Q. test is done on 200 high school freshmen, and the study results in 100 of them considered geniuses. Also, a study recently comes out revealing only 20% of high school freshmen are willing to complete all the work assigned. And since, 100 * 20%= 20. We can deduce we have only 20 kids who will maintain and or increase their GPA, and be prepared to meet all of the needs and interests employers look for. Although the 80 other kids were considered to be geniuses as well, their lack of adaptability to the current system will have a harsh effect compared to those who did all of the work asked of them. Although the school system is not the most accurate, it is the easiest method to evaluate a person throughout years of cultivating. Other tests, would be too costly, even though more efficient.“There was this sense that I.Q. tests could e used to determine the quality of people by ethnicity, by race, by class,”(Pg.101) said historian James Anderson. This leads us to the next issue regarding our previously mentioned I.Q. Even though the I.Q. test was disproved by classifying people by ethnicity, race, or by class, demographics would surely show interesting results. Another of these tests is the SAT, which is also not an accurate representation of intelligence or certain talents in different areas. Arguing that this is based on the intelligence of certain people, this discrimination and this unfair environment are still highly present and will continue to be so.
